Ratib Haddad

Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad. He authors several books in the area of Sufism as well as books of dhikr such as the Ratib al-Haddad (Arabic: راتب. Allah Almighty says: فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونِ. Bacalah fatihah kepada roh Penyusun Ratib ini, Qutbil- Irshad, Penyelamat kaum dan negaranya, Al-Habib Abdullah ibn Alawi Al-Haddad, asal-usul dan keturunannya, moga moga Allah meninggikan darjat mereka di syurga, dan memberi kita manfaat dari mereka, rahsia-rahsia mereka, cahaya dan berkat mereka di dalam agama, dunia dan akhirat.

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Ratib Al-Haddad adalah bacaan wirid dan dzikir yang berisi ayat suci Alquran dan doa-doa. Bacaan ini disusun oleh Habib Abdullah Al-Haddad, seorang ulama yang mahsyur pada abad ke-11 Hijriyah. Habib Abdullah Al-Haddad memiliki nama lengkap Al-Iman Al-‘Allamah As-Sayyid Abdullah bin ‘Alwi Al-Haddad Al-‘Alawi Al-Husaini. Ratibul Haddad ini dibaca di pesantren Langitan setiap malam jum'at sehabis sholat Isya'. Dan dalam setiap Haul KH. Abdul Hadi dan Masyayikh Langitan yang dilaksanankan pada kamis kedua dalam bulan Shofar, selalu dibaca dan diijazahkan oleh AlHabib Ali bin Husin AlHaddad Surabaya kepada seluruh pengunjung Haul.

(Rady Allahu ‘Anhu)

1. An Nasaih id-Diniyya wal-Wasaya al-Imaniyyah
(Sincere Religious Advices and Counsels of Faith).
(This kitab also contains his 'Aqeedatul Islam', the Tenets of Muslim Faith).

2. Ad-Da‘wat-ut-Taammah wat-Tadhkirat-ul-‘Aammah
(An All Out Call to Islam and a General Admonition).

3. Risalat-ul-Mu‘awanah
(The Book of Assistance)

4. Al-Fusul ul-‘Ilmiyyah wal usul ul-Hikamiyyah
(Knowledge and The Principles of Wisdom).

5. Sabil al-Iddikaar wal I‘tibaar bima yamurru bil-insaan wa yanqadi lahu min al-a‘maar
(The Way To Remember And Learn From The Lives of Man That Wane and Perish).

6. Risalatul-Mudhaakarah ma‘al Ikhwaan wal-Muhibbin min Ahl-il-Khayr wad-din
(Mutual Reminding Among Brothers and the Loved Ones from among the Good People in Religion).

7. Risalatu Aadaabi Suluk il-Murid
(The Book of the Murid)

8. Kitab ul-Hikam
(The Book of Wisdom).

9. An-Nafaais-il-‘Ulwiyyah fil-Masaail-il-Sufiyyah
(The Sublime Treasures: Answers to Sufi Questions).


10. It'haaf is-saail bi-jawaabil masaail
(Gifts For the Seeker Being Some Answered Questions).

There is also a compendium of his Azkaar and Awraad, the major ones being Wirdul-Latif, Wird ul-Kabir, Ratib ush-Shahir, Hizb ul-Fat’h and Hizb un-Nasr. These were compiled by As-Sayyid ‘Alawi bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Haddad in a book titled:
Wasilatul ‘Ibaad Ilaa Zaadil Ma‘aad
(A Means For People To Provide For The Hereafter).
He also composed:
Ad-Durrul Manzum li Dhawil ‘Uqul wal-Fuhum
(Poetic Pearls For Discerning and Understanding Minds).
(This is his Diwan or compilation of his 150 religious poems).
He wrote another qasida that is not in the Diwan titled: 'Takhmees ‘alaa al-Qasida al-Mudariyya lil-Imam al-Busiri' fee kitab Sabil al-Muhtadin.
The Takhmis of Qasida al-Mudariyya of Imam al-Busiri by Imam al-Haddad in the kitabSabil al-Muhtadin (The Path of the Rightly Guided).
The takhmis of a qasida is its augmentation from couplets to quintets.

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NOTE: Most of these books of Imam al-Haddad (Rady Allahu ‘Anhu) in the original Arabic have been published by Dar-ul-Hawi, P.O. Box 112 5920, Beirut, Lebanon while the translations of some of them by Dr. Mostafa al-Badawi have already been published by The Quilliam Press Limited, 80 Lamble Street, London NW5 4AB England and distributed by Syed Hassan al-Attas, 27 Hillside Drive, Singapore, 1954, and by Wardah Books.