Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System

Introduction of Student Attendance Management System

  1. Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Excel
  2. Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Free
  3. Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Software
  4. Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System
  5. Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Definition

Are you looking for a student attendance management system project? We are here to help you. You can contact us. This system is named as Student Attendance management system. This system is made to keep records about the attendance of the students and the effects that are made by the attendance on the students’ courses.

  1. 1.4 Project Scope. Our project targets the students of different academic levels and faculty.
  2. V ABSTRACT This study aims to build a human resources management system. The specific objectives can be summarized in building a human resources management system to.

ATTENDANCE FORM if (comboBox2.Text 'All Present') sql = 'select. from tblAttend where EmpId in (select EmpId from tblEmp where DeptId in (select DeptId from tblDept where DeptName = '+comboBox1.Text+')) and AttendDate ='+dateTimePicker1.Text+'; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql.

The admin can manage all the accounts and the registered users like teachers and students can only manage their own accounts. Teachers can mark the attendance of the students and can also rectify it if it is needed and can also see the students that have less attendance than the required one. Teachers can see the courses they are teaching to the students and the sections they are taking.

On the attendance management system teachers can also send the messages to the sections like when they will be on leave and when will the makeup for the same will be taken. Teachers can also see the students that have not paid the fees and the students that have not paid the fees can be detained by the teacher for not paying the fees on time.

Similarly, the students have many modules like checking the messages uploaded by their teacher, their result, their test marks, their attendance, their fee status, etc. The difference here is that students can only see this data and cannot make any changes to the data that is shown. This attendance management system can be implemented into N number of schools and colleges without any problem.

This system works on very minimum requirements and in the testing, it is found that this attendance management system does not have any errors till now and works perfectly.

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Modules of Student Attendance Management System

Our system has only one main interface that is for the receptionist.


Along with these, we have other interfaces which can be discussed as below:


After registration one can log in to the system as the operator of the system on the behalf of the user. The user will get only those privileges that are given to the user for which one has registered. For example, if a user has registered as a student, then the user only has the privileges to view the data and cannot make any changes to the data that is shown.


The user can be anyone either a student or a teacher. If the user is a teacher, then the interface that is shown is different from the one that is shown to the students. Like teachers can mark attendance and can also rectify it but students can only view attendance. Teachers can detain a student if the fees are not paid on time but students can only view the detailed message and reason.

Teachers can upload the result of the students but students cannot upload their results. Teachers can choose the sections they want to teach but students’ sections can only be selected by teachers based on their results.

Taking Attendance:

This module is only present in the teachers’ interface but not in the students’ interface. Teachers can mark the attendance by selecting the section they want to take attendance for. Teachers can also rectify the attendance of a student if it is marked incorrect by chance of any student. Students can only view their attendance if they are not detained for any reason.

The marked attendance can only be rectified within a week, after that it cannot be rectified.

Fee status:

This module is present in both the interfaces but the options that are provided are different. In the student’s interface, there is an option to pay the fees and the two modes are given to pay the fees. Either by online mode or by cash mode. Students can also see their fee status after paying their fees.

In the teacher’s module, there is no option to pay a fee, they can only see the fee status of the students of their section. One thing that teachers can do is that they can detain the students that have not paid their fees in the given time period. Admin cannot see any details they can only help the user in registration by verifying the user.

Other Features:

There are other various features that are provided in this attendance management system like updating results and checking results by the students. Paying fees either by online mode or by offline mode.

System Design of Student Attendance Management System:

Now this prison management system is designed in such a way that it takes fewer resources to work properly.

It has its own sort of minimum requirements that we need to take care of:

  • The system needs a minimum of 2 GB of ram to run all the features smoothly and suddenly.
  • It needs a minimum of 1.3 GHz processor to run smoothly as less than that may create problems.
  • The system needs to be operated by some authorized person as wrong hands can make it irresponsible.
  • Rest is all up to the user’s usage will care for hardware.
  • For security Antivirus is recommended.

The system is made properly and all the testing is done as per the requirements. So, the rest of the things depend on the user and no one can harm the data or the software if the proper care is done. All the attributes are working perfectly and if any error is found then it can be removed easily.

Er Diagram of Student Attendance Management System:

Entity User:

Every User detail needs to be stored in a proper manner with very needed attributes. All the other tasks can be performed only if the user is authenticated. After the admin has registered and is verified by the admin then the user can perform all the tasks on it.

Some of the features of the user are as follows:

Primary key User-id:

The user id is system generated and unique, which can be referenced in any other entity. This mostly for recognizing it in a unique way anywhere in the program.

User name:

User name is taken from the user and fed into this it is properly validated so that no mistake happens.


The phone number is taken here to keep the member updated and the confirmation of the event is also managed through this method.


Email is taken to make member aware of new offers new events and for future references, it is also relevant.


Address of the user is required at the time the receptionist is registering itself on the system.


The password is required to login into the system and the password must contain a special character, a numeric character, and an upper-case letter. Password must contain at least six characters. One must keep the password difficult so that no one can get into your account and make any changes.

Entity Attendance:


Attendance is taken by the teacher by selecting the section list. After the attendance has been taken by the teacher then it can only be rectified within a week after a week it cannot be rectified. Students can only see their attendance and can calculate their attendance to become eligible for sitting in the exams.

Section name:

There is a list of sections shown in the teacher’s account and the sections are the ones that are taught by the teacher. After selecting the section teacher can mark the attendance.

Roll number:

A roll number list is shown to the teacher and the present and absent students can be marked by the teacher. Two students in a section cannot have the same roll number.

Entity Fee Status:

This module is present in both the interfaces but the options that are provided are different. In the student’s interface, there is an option to pay the fees and the two modes are given to pay the fees. Either by online mode or by cash mode. Students can also see their fee status after paying their fees.

In the teacher’s module, there is no option to pay a fee, they can only see the fee status of the students of their section. One thing that teachers can do is that they can detain the students that have not paid their fees in the given time period. Admin cannot see any details they can only help the user in registration by verifying the user.


There are two modes given to the students to pay fees. One is online and the other is cash. In online mode, free payslips can also be printed.


The phone number is taken here to keep the member updated and the confirmation of the event is also managed through this method.


Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Excel

Address of the user is required at the time the receptionist is registering itself on the system.

Entity Courses:

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Free

In the course’s entity, there are the courses shown. In teachers’ module, it shows the courses taught by the teacher. In the student’s module, there is an option to choose courses and after the students have chosen their courses then they can view the selected courses.

Other attributes of entity guard are as follows:


The user must know the names of the courses which he or she has chosen either to teach or to study. who is on duty in the same prison? Course number: course number is taken here to keep the member updated and the confirmation of the event is also managed through this method.

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Software

Course number:

The course number is taken here to keep the member updated and the confirmation of the event is also managed through this method.

No of students:

In this, the number of students that have taken the same course can be seen.

Use Case Design of Student Attendance Management System:

In this use case, as you can see, we have our system as a box and the users who use our system are of the kind of outside the box but related to the system. There are two kinds of users one is admin and the other is user type.


There are two users that are present here in this system. One is admin but the other is a user. This user has all the privileges but it cannot register itself on this system as the admin needs to verify the registering user. After the admin verifies the user only then he is eligible to use the system and after that, it has all the privileges.

Attributes given to the user are:

Adding user:

Admin can add a new user and can save it. The details of the user can be seen only by the valid users.

Adding staff:

In this attribute or column, the user can add the details about the staff members.

Adding teachers:

This entity is about the details of the teachers who are on duty and all other details of them.

Admin panel:

There can be only one account of admin. Admin can add the users. When a user tries to register on the prison management system then the request goes to admin and if the admin verifies only then the user can register itself on it.

Other privileges that admin has been explained below:

  • He can log in through his id and password. The password is made very secure so that no person can guess and make it difficult for hackers to crack.
  • He has access to a profile of his own and he can search for detail of other Users and can see the detail him.
  • This admin is responsible for creating and uploading the Menu card to every User in the Interface.
  • He can add a user to that account and give access to handling the prison on their own.
  • He can manipulate the data of any user. In this, we are showing here the interaction of the users with our system through our use case diagram.

Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Student Attendance Management System

Functional Requirements of Student Attendance Management System: –

The functional requirement of this is that it does what it is meant for. A functional requirement describes what a software system should do, while non-functional requirements place constraints on how the system will do so. Functional requirements specify a function that a system or system component must be able to perform.

It can be documented in various ways. The most common ones are written descriptions in documents and use cases.

A few of its functional requirements are as given below: –

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System

  • User data should be fed into the system: this system is doing that properly in the user entity.
  • Admin can add the users: Admin can verify and add the user, which is what they are doing with this system.

Non-Functional Requirements of Student Attendance Management System: –

Non-functional necessities square measure the other demand than practical necessities. These square measures the necessities that specify criteria which will be wont to choose the operation of a system, instead of specific behaviors. Non-functional necessities square measure within the style of “system shall be “, associate degree overall property of the system as a full or of a specific facet and not a particular operation.

The system’s overall properties remarkably mark the distinction between whether or not the event project has succeeded or unsuccessful.

Sequence Diagram For Attendance Management System Definition

Non-functional necessities – are often divided into 2 main categories:

  • Execution qualities, like security and usefulness, that square measure evident at the run time.
  • Evolution qualities, like liabilities, maintainability, flexibility, and quantifiable, that square measure embodied within the static structure of the code.

Non-functional student attendance management system necessities place restrictions on the merchandise being developed, the event method, and specify external constraints that the merchandise should meet. Our project qualifies all the criteria of functional and not functional accordingly and the system is up to mark performance vise.

Here we need to take care of few more things before heading towards the system. The most important feature of the application world is the application’s ease of usage. the application will easy to use if made while keeping in mind that the user need not think twice about searching any feature.

Everything should be made distinctive by using the color combination such that everything needed most frequently highlighted with focus colors. We can use simple layouts like the card and grid layout etc. By varying color and other UI combinations, many good intuitive interfaces can be made. Which ultimately makes the interface easy to use for a long time.

Unlike ancient style wherever the goal is to form the thing or application physically enticing, the goal of interface style is to form the user’s interaction expertise as straightforward and intuitive as attainable – what’s typically known as user-centered style. Where smart graphic/industrial style is daring and eye-catching, smart interface style is commonly delicate and invisible.

Keep things simple and consistent: –

Simple and Harmonic way making UI is very intuitive and needs to followed.

Make good use of typography: –

The typography is taken care very strictly as the need of the system.

Use color and contrast properly: –

Color combo of lite and dark is a good way emphasize and done well in this system.

Consider feedback messages: –

The feedback form is a very good way taking feedback of forms and improving the system.

Simplified forms: –

The form is made simple to fill with the clean user interface.

Attendance Management System Project


Conclusion of Student Attendance Management System

Finally, in the student attendance management system, the outcome of all the hard work done for the attendance management system is here. It is software that helps the user to work with the attendance, fees update, course update, and messages, etc. This software reduces the amount of manual data entry and gives greater efficiency.

The User Interface of it is very friendly and can be easily used by anyone. It also decreases the amount of time taken to write details and other modules. All the details about students, teachers, and their other tasks can only be seen by the verified users. This Attendance Management System is a solution to all the problems related to the attendance, message, fee status, courses taken by the teachers and the students, etc.

In the end, we can say that this software is performing all the tasks accurately and is doing the work for which it is made and this system can be implemented in N number of colleges and schools.