Tally 7.2 Pc Software Download

Tutorial Summary

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Tally 7.2 Pc Software Download

To migrate the existing data from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9

  1. Double-click Tally72migration.exe.

  2. OpenTally Data Migration and Tally.ERP 9 simultaneously in separate screens.

A message Ready for Migration appears in the Migration Messages pane.

  1. Select Migrate Data.

  1. Specify the data path, if required.

  1. Select the company from the List of Companies.

If the company selected contains payroll data, the following message is displayed:

  1. Press Enter to continue with data migration.

  2. A messageContinue Migration? Yesor Nois displayed.

  3. Press Yes to start data migration.

  4. The Migration Information screen displays Types of Masters, and Types of Vouchers that need to be migrated from Tally 7.2.

  5. Click Yes on the message prompt Migrate? Yes or Noto proceed with migration.

During data migration, the calculator pane displays the number of masters and vouchers migrated to Tally.ERP 9.The screen appears as shown below:

Note: As the unused voucher types are removed, there might be a mismatch in voucher type master statistics.

Employee masters are split into employees and employee groups.

  1. On completing migration, a message Migration Completed Check Statisticsis displayed.

  1. On pressing any key, a congratulatory message appears as shown:

Tally 7.2 Pc Software Download
  1. Errors that occur during migration are displayed in red in the Migration Message pane.


Note: If an error occurs during migration, rewrite the data by pressing Ctrl + Alt + R from the migration tool, and then start migration of data to Tally.ERP 9.

  1. The migrated company data is stored in the default Tally.ERP 9 folder, and prefixed with a zero. The company folder appears as shown below:


Stat 133

On migrating the same company from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9, a warning message is displayed as shown below:

Tally 7.2 Pc Software Download

Additional Information

Stat 120

After the migration of data from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9, the following two log files are created in the folder containing the tally72migration.exe

Log FilesDescription
migration.errThe migration.err file contains the errors, if any, which occur during migration.
migration.logThe migration.log file provides:

Date of data migration.

The name of the company opened for migration.

Migration start time.

Time taken and the data migration information, such as, masters, vouchers and reports from Tally 7.2 to Tally.ERP 9.

Number of errors, if any.

Migration end time.